Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'll show you the life of the mind

“I would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member.”
- Woody Allen, Annie Hall (1977)

By the time I became a part of the social media community in 2010, it had already become the monster that it is today. No longer was it some trendy, new fad used by college students wanting to keep in touch with high school friends, or by garage bands looking for an audience for their lyrical cries of teenage angst. It had become the lifeblood of society. Instead of the sun, the world now revolved around friend requests, status updates, and direct messaging. And, with the click of a mouse, you could “poke” someone from hundreds of miles away thus circumventing any pesky restraining orders you might have against you. Even my mother - who grew up during a time in which the world was introduced to color television, the microwave oven, Barbie, and the Polio vaccine - was already a social networker.